Hybrid Cell Manufacturing the road to successful
Battery Production
Decouple your Production
Source Dry Cells Globally
Start with Cell Activation
Gain Experience
Hyperscale your production
Hybrid Cell manufacturing is decoupling Electrode production, Cell Assembly and Cell activation by supplier, location and time. Hybrid Cell manufacturing enables battery related companies to focus to their core skills and business activities, creates cost reductions, removes technical barriers and reduces financial risks. Hybrid Cell Manufacturing is the (only) way to gradual ramp GIGA scale battery cell production in a cost-effective way.
PEC’s breakthrough development in Rapid Single Step electrolyte filling enables Hybrid Cell production as a step-by-step implementation of GIGA factories.
New players and foreign investors can grow gradually, starting with sourcing dry cells, develop their own process, gain experience and generate positive cash flows from the start.
Key industry players now can scale up their electrode production and cell assembly resources locally before investing in full size battery plants overseas. Hybrid Cell manufacturing enables the creation of a regional eco-system, covering all battery Cell manufacturing aspects.
PEC’s cell activation is fully modular scalable from 1 to 1,000 cells per minute.
What is the role of Cell
Activation in Hybrid Cell
Cell Activation starts from a passive assembled cell (a dry cell), temporary sealed to avoid moisture entering the cell
Dry cells can be sourced globally and can be shipped without hazards, as they are not activated yet and don’t contain flammable electrolyte
Cell Activation converts this dry cell to an active, tested cell, ready for use, by:
Electrolyte Filling
Soaking and Pre-charging
Final Degassing and Sealing
Formation, Ageing and EOL Testing
Cell manufacturing Cost Reduction
using PEC Cell Activation
Shortened Activation Process
Lowest Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions
Highest Cell Performance & Yield
Proven in GIGA Scale Production
The elimination of multiple filling and pressure cycles, simplifies and shortens the complete activation process. It creates massive Capex, Energy and related CO2 emission savings as very large dry-rooms are replaced by small, modular micro-dry environments, completely integrated in the PEC Cell Activation Line.
The technology not only has a direct impact on cost, but also improves yield and cell performance because of the higher wetting state resulting in lower risks of corrosion and dendrite forming before formation.
The process is ideally suited for large format cells, such as the 46XXX cylindrical cells as well as prismatic cells.